Monday, June 25, 2007

School re-open

School re-opens today........after two weeks break. My daughter was very eager & excited to return to her school. Early at 5.30 am she woke up and prepare herself to go to school. Hmmmmm.........but while we're on the way sending her to school, she falls asleep in the car...snoring .... kesian jugak.

As today starts the 3rd school terms, that means her ugama class also starts today in the afternoon. Morning school starts at 7.15 am till 12.15 afternoon. Later from 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm- her ugama class (that does not include her outside curicular activities)! I will be very busy again driving around from my office to school (fetch her) then send her back to another school for her ugama then comes back again to fetch her from ugama, brings her back to my office. Normally by the time I fetched her from her ugama, I am exhausted of driving around... :( (Tak apalah....rela berkorban apa saja for the sake of my daughter) :) :) :) .......

For those outside Brunei, just to let you know that normal school days in Brunei starts from Monday - Thursday & Saturday. Schools closed on Friday & also applied to all goverment offices in Brunei Darussalam. The next school holiday breaks will be in September (10 days) then come Fasting & Hari Raya School Holiday Break (12 days) & last school term holiday will be on end of Nov till year-end.......

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