Thursday, June 28, 2007

Brunei Darussalam and Singapore celebrated the historic 40th Anniversary of the Currency Interchangeability Agreement (CIA) marking a significant milestone in bilateral relations.
To mark the auspicious occasion, His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam and Mr Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of Singapore, jointly launched the new $20 polymer notes issued by the two countries in a ceremony held at the Istana Nurul Iman.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Happy Birthday ......

This photo was taken in the early morning just now before sending her off to school. She planned to include this photo of herself & her daddy when she makes her own birthday card later today coz it's her dad's birthday...
Both of us planned to surprise him (not the card!). So what we did was, we 'pakat' with my hubby's bos and we really do it!!! He did not expect us to bring him the "Birthday Gift" all the way to his office....we celebrated together in the end. It was fun and a memorable ones....

He got a BIG SURPRISE from his wife & daughter.........hehehehe (bagus jugak our plan tu) it works!
To my darling hubby, Happy Birthday To You, Love You Always & .....

Monday, June 25, 2007

School re-open

School re-opens today........after two weeks break. My daughter was very eager & excited to return to her school. Early at 5.30 am she woke up and prepare herself to go to school. Hmmmmm.........but while we're on the way sending her to school, she falls asleep in the car...snoring .... kesian jugak.

As today starts the 3rd school terms, that means her ugama class also starts today in the afternoon. Morning school starts at 7.15 am till 12.15 afternoon. Later from 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm- her ugama class (that does not include her outside curicular activities)! I will be very busy again driving around from my office to school (fetch her) then send her back to another school for her ugama then comes back again to fetch her from ugama, brings her back to my office. Normally by the time I fetched her from her ugama, I am exhausted of driving around... :( (Tak apalah....rela berkorban apa saja for the sake of my daughter) :) :) :) .......

For those outside Brunei, just to let you know that normal school days in Brunei starts from Monday - Thursday & Saturday. Schools closed on Friday & also applied to all goverment offices in Brunei Darussalam. The next school holiday breaks will be in September (10 days) then come Fasting & Hari Raya School Holiday Break (12 days) & last school term holiday will be on end of Nov till year-end.......

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I have always wanted to know what exactly is the proper name for the tower that holds lines and lines of cable dangling from one end to another end.....endless??? My daughter called them "The Ultraman"......hahahaha (I guessed if you have a once glance look, it does look like the animated hero...Ultraman). Though the cable holder has a different kind of shapes and sizes but they all look the same......

Kalau kat S'pore you can't visibly sees all that....tapi kat Brunei ni...mak oii....bersepah, you can find it almost everywhere by the roadside. Be it at the highway ke.....rural areas will not miss it!!!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Royal Wedding

By now most of you guys are aware about the Brunei Royal Wedding that had happened few days ago. Thank GOD it's over, at last!!!!

Myself, my hubby and all my in-laws have been invited to attend all the ceremonial events (01 June - 14 June) and mind you.......penat giler....dahlah pakaian mesti seragam, eg. kalau function in daytime - mesti pakai baju melayu/kurung warna hitam & kalau malam pulak, mesti pakai baju melayu/kurung warna putih. Bukan itu aje....lelaki ke, pompuan ke....dua-dua mesti kena pakai kain samping(oopss kalau orang Brunei panggil 'sinjang'). Mak oiii.......punye lah leceh......panas lagi. Kena ikut protocol lah..........(Oh by the way, the Bruneian called the 'so-called uniform' is "SEPANGADAK Hitam / Putih") weird........

Eventhough it was a lethargic events but it was a memorable ones......apanye tidak oiii.....dapat masuk dalam istana lagi. I was really flabbergasted when I entered the Indera Buana (that's what it is called) Throne room, besar giler......all the chandelier was magnificent shinning. Those were the experiences that I will never forget in my life.

Believe me if I said that all the while, when we attended the ceremonies, kita orang balik-balik pakai baju kurung/melayu yang sama....hehehhe..(ia tak ia jugak, mana lah ada baju melayu/kurung warna hitam & putih banyak) Cuci, pakai, cuci lagi lepas tu pakai balik.......(well i guessed other invited guests pun do the same jugak)...

My 1st Blog

I will always remember today's date as I posted my very first blog :)

Thank you very much to a very dear 2nd cousin of mine back in Singapore, who's always encourage me to set-up my very own blog.....YOU know who YOU are!!!...(I owe it to you) :)

At last by God's will......I now have my very own blogspot!!!! (Yahoooo.....yeaahhh.........)

It will take sometimes for me to get used to this guys out there pleeassseeee support me! I am so thrilled and excited about it till nearly half of my office day I was planning and writing to my blog. (Macam nak pecah kepala otak, maklum baru 1st time ada blog sendiri......hehehehe....macam-macam nak di tulis...apa orang kata - "jakun" kalau orang Brunei cakap "sagai")

Oklah......I will continue again. (Kasi chance lah, kita belum expert lagi....baru nak belajar)