Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Hmmm....apa eh nak tulis???

It's been quite sometimes I did not update my blog. For the past few weeks I was really very very on Monday, 23/07/07 me & my daughter, both of us were involved in a self-accident along the highway of Jerudong from Tutong District to Bandar Seri Begawan. It was really heavy downpours!!!Ribut....I was driving on the left lane when suddenly...this big black Lexus car came from behind..(laju pulak tu) pass over my car and apparently at that time there was a pool of water on the roads.....the water splash to my front mirror causing me to loose control of the car of poor visibility. I swerve to the left hit the pole on the roadside then terpelanting back to middle of the road, 360 degrees turn and then swerve to the right pole and back again to middle of the road..... nasib baik masa itu tak ada kereta lain passing by:( tekezut..........

Syukur Alhamdullilah, both of us are ok...thanks to the safety belt that we used. So now my hubby has given a new nicknamed for my car - Ford Mondeo Picak (means Kemek in Brunei). After that incident, till now if it's raining while I drive, I still have that Phobia :( I am very very disturbed and sad about what had happened to my Mondeo). Hopefully my car will be ready ASAP. I MISSS MY CAR already :(

Lately Brunei weather very unpredictables. Kejap panas lepas itu hujan.....kadang-kadang ribut dengan angin, lightning & thunderstorms. Of coz in Brunei where there is still kampongs around bound to have flash flood.

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