Monday, August 11, 2008

Launching of a new NISSAN

On Saturday, 02 August 2008 evening I attended launching of a NISSAN new car called TEANA.

That was the 1st time I attended such launching. It was a successful event. It was a full house..........infact I enjoyed it a lot!!! The launching was officiated by Dato Lim Beng Thai, (our BIG BOSS).

I did not even realize that the time was already quater past 10 pm while busily doing my own stuff (syok sendiri). I were kind-off helping the launching committee so that's why I were really busy ;)

P/S: This is my latest photo since my last posting(which was somewhere last year).

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Happy 43rd Birthday To Singapore

Happy Birthday to Singapore....................My beloved country:)

I will always cherished the days when I were in Singapore. My childhood & my teens years are the best that has ever happened to me. Till these days, I still cherished & remembers all the happening throughout..........

How I miss the food, people, environment, almost everything.....!!! THIS IS MY COUNTRY, THIS IS MY FLAG, THIS MY FUTURE, THIS IS MY LIVE.........STAND-UP FOR SINGAPORE, DO THE BEST YOU CAN.........


Friday, August 08, 2008

It's been 1 long year

Hello, everyones.......It is nearly 1 year since my last posting. Within that 1 year, lots of things had happened to me.

I AM BACK NOW..............I will try to update my stories for the last 1 year. I hope that those who have been reading and waiting will try to be more patient...(i bet you guys out there eager to read my stories- hehehe....perasaan pulak)

I will start updating the soonest. So many things to write and so little times. I will have to schedule and do planning for the chronological order of my stories.